African Dream Bean Powder

African Dream Bean Powder

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Step into a world of vivid dreams and natural well-being with our African Dream Bean, a unique herbal supplement sourced from the mystical Entada rheedii plant, native to the lush landscapes of Africa. Known for its powerful dream-inducing properties, the African Dream Bean has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for spiritual exploration, dream enhancement, and as a traditional medicine for various ailments.

Our African Dream Bean is carefully harvested to ensure the highest purity and potency, offering a bridge to the profound dream states revered in many cultures for personal insight and growth. This natural supplement is perfect for those interested in exploring the depths of their dreams or seeking a holistic approach to mental and emotional health.

When to avoid Kanna? Precautions?

Yes, it's recommended to avoid Kanna when taking other SSRI's as there may be an adverse interaction between these.

Otherwise Kanna is considered a safe herbal supplement.

As with any new herbal supplement it's recommended to consult your physician first.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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