Organic Sun-opener Loose Leaf Tea 14gs

Organic Sun-opener Loose Leaf Tea 14gs

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Organic Sun-Opener Loose Leaf Tea

Dive into the revitalizing experience of Healing Herbals' Organic Sun-Opener Loose Leaf Tea. Sourced from the finest organic Sun-opener herbs, this tea is celebrated for its invigorating properties and its capacity to enhance clarity and spiritual awareness. Perfect for those mornings when you need a natural boost or moments of meditation, our Sun-Opener Tea is your gateway to heightened focus and a deeper connection with your surroundings.

Product Highlights:

  • Ingredients: 100% organic Sun-opener leaves
  • Benefits: Aids in enhancing mental clarity, supports spiritual awareness, and provides an uplifting effect

Brewing Instructions: Steep one teaspoon of our Organic Sun-Opener Loose Leaf Tea in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Adjust the strength by varying the amount of tea or steeping time according to your personal preference.

Key Features:

  • Sourced from high-quality, organic Sun-opener herbs
  • Naturally caffeine-free, making it suitable for any time of day
  • Packaged and shipped from New York State, supporting our small business

Discover Wellness: Thank you for supporting Healing Herbals. Our small shop is committed to bringing you the purest and most effective herbal teas. This Organic Sun-Opener Loose Leaf Tea is a testament to our dedication to your wellness journey.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Embrace the day with clarity and a sense of renewed purpose with Healing Herbals' Organic Sun-Opener Loose Leaf Tea—a natural choice for those seeking to enrich their wellness routine.

When to avoid Kanna? Precautions?

Yes, it's recommended to avoid Kanna when taking other SSRI's as there may be an adverse interaction between these.

Otherwise Kanna is considered a safe herbal supplement.

As with any new herbal supplement it's recommended to consult your physician first.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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