FS-33 Kanna Extract

FS-33 Kanna Extract

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Cognitive Function & Unwinding 


Sceletium tortuosum powder extract – FS-33

Enhance cognitive function and alleviate stress with Healing Herbals' Kanna Extract. Packed with mesembrine alkaloids for improved serotonin levels and mood, our high-quality herbal product offers natural cognitive benefits.

•Functional focused calming & general wellness inducing



•Total Alkaloids: ±4.8-6.2%

•Mesembrine: ±2.9-3.1%


Primary Alkaloid Profile:
• Mesembrine 40-60%
• Mesembrenone ≤20%
• ∆7-Mesembrenone ≤20%



•Description: Similar profile to VU3 but with significantly looser standardization tolerance and thus an even broader alkaloid spectrum. Some batch by batch variance.







These Statements have not been approved by the FDA to diagnosis treat and or cure any illness and or disease


When to avoid Kanna? Precautions?

Yes, it's recommended to avoid Kanna when taking other SSRI's as there may be an adverse interaction between these.

Otherwise Kanna is considered a safe herbal supplement.

As with any new herbal supplement it's recommended to consult your physician first.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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