Debubunking myths of kava harm to the liver (A deeper look)
Alcoholic drinks have been a staple of our culture for to long leaving people hungover, impaired to the point where they can't drive or make bad decisions, not to mention the latest push to label alcohol with potential cancer warnings due to growing concerns of
This is where kava really shines although the kava root has had a bad rep there is still alot of misinformation to sort from as well as a lack of authentic research
the Problems arised when studies a couple years back had Showed how it had heparoxic properties in other words liver damaging properties
Alot of this is believed to have came from unproperly processed kava (Non noble kava) which is kava that has been carefully bred and processed for human consumption just the as our foods will be selectivley breed for thr best traits kava has gone through the same process to increase the beneficail alkaloids and weening out the less Sought alkaloids increasing enjoyment as well as saftey
Also people theorize consumption of the roots without processing through a filter that raw kava roots when drinking can be harmful on the liver resulting in this negative effect
And than there is the concept that when these studies came around that thr material that was used was molded and had e-coli due to mishandling Of incentory and a few bad actors in the vendor space
We are all for independent testing on material and a study on a plant cannot rely on one source to conclude all the data when there are so many variables
In more recent user testimony you can find a plethora of people online who are daily kava consumers who have went out of there way to get tests done showing they have extremely healthy liver conditions with no signs of hepatoxity so many testimonials and showcasing of test results that the concensus Has completely changed in the kava culture that this plant does not show cause those hepatoxicity properties when sourced correctly and consumed correctly
In a world where many over drink from alcohol tk thr point of liver damage and physical violence from people acting out on booze to people dying in alcohol related csr accidents
Is it really ok for the fda to aprove alcohol to be served daily but yet fight kava consumers tooth and nail telling them that there indigenous traditons are not ok due to studies done years ago with many variables at question
Have researches not ever got anything wrong auch as muslableing mdma with meth and saying it puts holes in your brain (since retracted)
Or saying that cannabis kills braincells but covering up the part about them suffocating them to death due to lack of oxygen from boof (untested cannabis)
Kava deserves a second look at at the very least not an overreacting government telling consumers what they can and can't be offered at a local herbal shop
Currently the fda does not allow people to prepare and serve kava so states that take there guidance from them such as new york are fining and shutting these businesses left and right
All while consumers want a more natural alternative to alcohol That won't leave them inebriated to make bad decisions drive drunk and or worst
All you are allowed to do is consume a toxic fuel source and cleaning product called alcohol if you want you want to indulge an enjoy a night out
This must change