The best alcohol alternative - kava
Kava has been used for centuries in the pacific islands for its mood enhancing, relaxation and general wellness use cases
The roots of this plant are brewed and manicured with cold water to extract its kavalactones to make a cold pressed tea that is than traditionally served put of cocnut shell halves ans passed around at aocial ceromonies
This ancient tradition Is making its way into American culture in a windstorm with dozens of kava bars opening up in each state And thousands of them in the state of florida
this Fire storem of kava bars bringing ancient plant traditions to the public limelight only demonstrates the comsumers want and and need for a more plant based natural alternative to the booze
The effects of the drink kick in rather rapidly similiar to alcohol in time frame it is metabilized and proccess very fast in the liver when dranken and the amount needed to achive the desired effect matches that of alcohol
Even the desired effects prove to have some similiarities, helping to aid as a social lubricant kava typically helps one loosen up, let's conversation flow more effortlessly and recharges ones social battery
Drinking kava with people can be a bonding experience traditionally the kava bar with altogether do a shot (shell) together yelling bula which is the fijan cheers which means [to life]
Altogether from method of consumption to the fast acting Effects and finally to the desired outcome kava is a incredible alternative to alcohol for those that are looking for a mkre natural, plant based alternative and porentially healthier choice
You will not be filled with bad decicions, losing control and disorientated
You will remain in control, loose, have social ease and Altogether feel good and achieve wellness making this root the go to Alcohol, beer, wine, Mixed drink and spirits alternative