
  • Simple & Natural: Kanna Sublingual & Drink Spray

    Simple & Natural: Kanna Sublingual & Drink Spray

    In the rhythm of modern life, finding serenity and maintaining balance is essential. Our Kanna Sublingual & Drink Spray is a beacon of nature's simplicity, crafted from just two ingredients: a saline solution and high-quality Kanna extract. This minimalist formulation...

  • Kanna's Active Alkaloids: A Comprehensive Guide

    Kanna's Active Alkaloids: A Comprehensive Guide

    The ultimate guide to Kanna alkaloids explores the plant's primary compounds, focusing on their roles in mood enhancement and cognitive benefits. Key alkaloids like mesembrine and mesembrenone are highlighted for their antidepressant properties and potential therapeutic applications. The guide also touches on safety and dosage considerations, emphasizing caution with pharmaceutical interactions. It concludes with the prospect of future research uncovering new alkaloids, promising further insights into Kanna's therapeutic potential.
  • Blue Lotus & Kanna: Legal Status in the US

    Blue Lotus & Kanna: Legal Status in the US

    As natural herbal remedies like Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) continue to gain popularity for their unique effects, questions regarding their legal status in North America have become more frequent. Here’s what you need to know about...

  • Kanna Extract Dosage: Optimal Use Guide

    Kanna Extract Dosage: Optimal Use Guide

    Determining the optimal dosage for Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) extracts based on their alkaloid content requires careful consideration of several factors, including the specific alkaloids present, their concentrations, and individual user sensitivity. While I can provide a general guideline based on...

  • Extract Profiles and What They Mean: A Healing Herbals Explanation

    Extract Profiles and What They Mean: A Healing Herbals Explanation

     At Healing Herbals, our dedication to natural wellness has led us to delve into the rich world of Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) extracts. Each unique extract, from the energizing MT-55 to the innovative FS-33, carries a specific alkaloid profile, promising...

  • The Comprehensive Guide to Blue Lotus Gummies

    The Comprehensive Guide to Blue Lotus Gummies

    In the landscape of wellness supplements, Blue Lotus Gummies have distinguished themselves as a notable contender for individuals seeking natural methods to manage stress and enhance relaxation. This post provides an in-depth look at Blue Lotus Gummies, with a focus...

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